

Hello and welcome to my visual diary, my journal, blog, call it whatever you want..

This will be my space where I am going to share with you info about my upcoming projects, new adventures, stories behind the projects, insights, lessons I learned, future public events and many more.

I decided to write in English for two major reasons- - the first one is that I want this information to be accessible to the people around the world and second - my whole website is in English, so it’s kind of logical to keep it that way.

I am starting this “journey” here out of curiosity, because I want to try few new things and this blog is one of them. I’ll do my best to stay as consistent as possible, but let me make one thing clear - I always prefer quality instead of quantity, so keep that in mind ;)

And if you find something valuable for you here I would appreciate if you share my post, spread the message so that I can reach and connect with more people.

Last but not least - if You want to know more about something that interests you, or if you have a question, an idea for a topic that you want me to talk about - Let’s just get in touch - send me an e-mail, drop me a line in instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook and we will talk about it.

That’s it for now!
In the upcoming days I will prepare new post about my first workshop so stay tuned.
